Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Bed, Otherwise Know as the Danger Chamber

What looks like a fairly ordinary, albeit, rustic place to lay your head...

Turns out to be the MOST dangerous place of all for three reasons! Reason #1: I have bruises on both of my sides. Big Nasty Ones because of the lack of padding. I have about one inch of worn foam to sleep on followed by wooden boards. Let's just say its no sleep number bed =). Reason #2: Alejandra has to climb up and down what we now refer to as "the vertical death trap." I don't know if you can tell from photo, but the ladder is slightly tilted in the opposite direction, meaning rather than climbing to the top bunk, it's more of a rock-climbing adventure, with no place to put your hands as you plummet to your death! And last, but certainly not least in the reasons why my bed is not quite the safe haven I would like it to be, Reason #3: my mosquito net, whose sole purpose is to keep the creepy crawly things OUT, lets them in and traps them IN.

Exhibit A

Those aren't chicken pox if that's what you're thinking, those are mosquito bites, but I imagine they itch just the same, if not worse. Especially if they're in places that I don't necessarily want to take a picture of...

And... Exhibit B

A lizard! In my mosquito net! In my bed! A lizard! The bruises and the Mosquitos I can deal with. Even the freefall ladder I can manage, but a lizard! ...

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep =X


  1. I find this rather amusing. =) A vertical Death trap huh? Lol. Too funny babe. On your to do list you might as well check off Rock Climbing because that's what that is. The "Mosquito Net" should have a new name. How about the "Torture Chamber" because that is exactly what that is. Step one: You find someone you don't like. Step two: You ask that person to sleep in the "Mosquito Net" and assure them that they will be "safe", Step three: You seal it and hope for the best. =)

  2. I've actually read all of your posts, but was lazy to leave a comment... my initial reaction eons ago when you posted this was *gasp* *gasp* No! *It's a mosquito bite.*
    But now, I'm in practical mode, and I'm thinking you should spray Windex on your bug bites or "limpiador de vidrio" whatever they have there! You know they'll never give you Windex if I ship it to you. I'm sorry, Mr. Portucaulos.
