Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pieces of Pucallpa

I think this journal entry from last week pretty much sums it up..

My handwriting is getting sloppier and sloppier, maybe its a sign i'm becoming a true doctor. Haha. God, this was an experience i was not prepared for. From the moment I set foot on Pucallpa, it's been an adventure I could never have anticipated. From the wave of humidity and heat that hit me from exiting the plane to the new found sweat glands I discovered...

From being asked to counsel children with low self-esteem to anesthetizing ale's finger...

From giving victor a shot in the "nalgas" to practicing IVs on his hand and arm, or even learning how to deliver a baby, it's been so much more than I could have expected. Lord, thank you for today. For the excitement I felt counting out the prescriptions, for the incompetency I felt while inserting the IV, for the pain I felt as victor could not find my "difficult" vein, for the bread I enjoyed with Ever, Percy, Cecilia, Wendy, Andrew, Ale, and Victor, for the hammock, for the Peru stars, for the locals, for feeling alive. Thank you because through the silence I can feel you near, through the fear, I find comfort, and through the people I experience your love. Thank you for being the ultimate example of love. I am in awe of your wondrous presence and I am anxious to live a life that exudes that same love to others. What an appropriate mission experience for me. A.M.O.R Projects. Thank you for that, Lord =)

1 comment:

  1. I seriously did not think you were going to blog this much! But i am o so glad you have been! I am loving all these pictures. especially the humpty hammock one haha. your to much friend . stay safe!
