I'm not entirely sure how common it is to publish one post and abandon your blog completely; however, contrary to what my long absence might suggest, I assure you that that's not what I'm doing. I would like to start off with a quick apology and disclaimer though. I'm currently getting my life in order, which as life would have it, is no easy feat. I just recently moved into my very first apartment (pictures coming soon!), started a new quarter, and in spirit of true over-achievement- decided to start my blog all at the same time =) So my apologies.
Ok, now that the fine print is out of the way. I was recently talking to my sister Jessica ( you can visit her amazingly-crafty-self here) and I had told her that I had 12 new years resolutions and when I was looking over my first post I noticed I only had 11. So she just told me to edit my post, but I thought I'd share how awesomely ironic it is that this is the New Years Resolution I am posting late. Ready?
2011 New Years Resolution #12: Be punctual. Be timely. Be considerate of other people's time.
Now this was just too funny to keep to myself so in spirit of true irony: Don't put it off, Procrastinate now and leave a comment ;)
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ReplyDeleteEheeheeeheeeheeeeee! :) *Shut up* I love that you linked to my blog because I'm full of myself. Yes, out of all you said about being punctual (blah, blah, blah), resolutions (blah, blah, blah) new apartment (blah, blah, blah), all I'm taking is that you linked to my blog. So, yay to me. :)
ReplyDeleteAll joking aside, I am loving your new blog *said like Suze Orman.* Crap, I'm still joking... ;)